Neat Nic that he is, Capt. Buz did random cabin inspections last week. He saw, first hand, the squalor I’ve been subjected to and immediately failed the cabin. He even left a little note, pointing out what exactly needed to be cleaned. Four days later, he checked the cabin again!
“Um, yes Captian, it’s still filthy!”
Failed!! Two failings is an immediate invitation to the 12th Deck! which ain’t a good thing.
The rules/regulations stipulate “Should a cabin fail inspection, all occupants are responsible” my roommates and I get hauled up to the Executive Chef’s Office and are informed we have to attend a “Warning Session” - 12th Deck. A Warning Session means you don’t have the warning yet, but depending on the outcome of what is discussed, you may walk out of there with a warning. 98.9% of the people invited to a Warning Session get the warning. Not really sure what follows a warning, but everybody is afraid of the warnings.
We are given the opportunity to defend ourselves. I’m relieved I’ve kept copious notes from Day 1 regarding cabin conditions and truculent roommates, yet irritated I have to get called on the carpet for something NCL should have fixed years ago. Namely, get rid of the filthy sloths. But, I’m a team player, I go along with the game. I submit my typed rebuttal and typed 3 page documentation of life in cabin 2224, and await the big day.
You would think the fools would at least make an attempt to tidy the cabin some. They don’t. Instead they are boasting about how this has happened before nothing ever came of it, and they really don’t care what happens.
The Big Day arrives and the occupants of Cabin 2224 were summoned into the room, on Deck 12. In this room, sit enough white shirts and with gold stripes on the shoulder to blind a person. I don’t know who any of them are, but am quick enough to know all are chief’s and directors, and I better mind my P’s & Q’s. I see that each has a copy of my rebuttal/documentation lying on the table in front of them.
The Head White Shirt and Gold Stripes asks, “Who’s Lisa?” I say, “I am.” Five White Shirts and Gold Stripes pause and look at me bug-eyed. I’m starting to feel a little uncomfortable, I was pretty brutal in the rebuttal and the documentation is uncensored and graphic! Then he sincerely says, “We owe you an apology. You’ve done everything you could, followed the proper chain of command and nothing was done for you. We are very sorry. If in the future, you should have problems, please come directly to myself or, and he points to, Mr. White Shirt and Gold Stripes Who Wears Glasses. You are excused.”
I politely thank them and quickly exit. Leaving my roommates in the room, seething.
Now, I don’t know what was said to my roommates, but I’m fairly sure they got a warning, since I later overheard one of my roommate screaming at the top of her lungs “THAT FUCKING’ BITCH BLIND SIDED US!!!”
I’m thinking, it will be a hostile living environment if I remain in that cabin, so I went to my supervisor and request a cabin change. HR only allow cabin change requests on Mondays/Tuesdays after 3pm, with the proper paperwork. Uh, no paperwork necessary for Ms. Sadler on this Sunday morning, and she was assigned a clean, nice smelling cabin, by 3:08 p.m.
Mr. White Shirt Gold Stripe HR did ask me, “After reading your lengthy documentation, why did you put up with that for as long as you did?” How do you explain to someone it wasn’t out of martyrdom, but tenacity? and the secret chuckle you got out of knowing it really, really pissed off your roommates that you were in “their territory” and they had to put up with your rising at dawn, making your bed, forcing them in small ways to change their bad habits, and there was nothing they could do about it, knowing one day it would all pay off? I couldn’t, so I just said, “I don’t know.”
I also relayed to Mr. HR, the screaming incident I’d overheard earlier. Ex-roommate probably imploded after she got her kicked in ass handed to her - again.
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