Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crew Fun!

Once a month, the Crew Activities Director puts together an event for all staff. Typically these events are held very late at night 10:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. (Ugh!) Last crew event was free bowling, pizza and soda in Kauai. I’d rather endure a public enema than go bowling and eat pizza, with the same people I work, eat and sleep with. I’ll pass . . .

This month it was karaoke night in one of the bars, on Deck 11, in the passenger area! Woo Hoo! Now I love to watch people make fools of themselves. I made a point to attend this one. So I took a nap, threw on a pair of white pants, orange sweater, knotted a scarf in my head and took off.

First of all, I was over dressed. Folks gawked at me. One girl got up the courage to say, “You look like you stepped out of an L.L. Bean catalog.” Secondly, we were only served beer or wine. Wasn’t in the mood for either. But they did have cold popcorn, for consumption. I passed on that too . . .

Finally at around 11:45pm the festivities began! Let’s just say, It wasn’t worth the nap and getting dressed. The volume was so low you couldn’t hear it over the buzz of the audience. The few folks I could hear whisper into the room were lack luster. The most semi-interesting thing that happened that night was the transvestite crew member who was there to Par-tay!!. By day he’s Tyrone at night she’s Yasmine. Yasmine perched herself next to me, chatted my damn ear off and took our picture. I know that picture is already on Facebook somewhere....

I should have stuck with my public enema philosophy.


  1. 1) I should think you would be used to being gawed at by now.

    2) Silly girl, they don't have black people in L.L.Bean

    3) Thank God for a trannie. Sounds like she saved your whole evening.

    4) I'm really disappointed this story didn't include you taking the mic and blowing some people overboard! The trannie probably would have been right there with you.

    Now that's a party!

  2. 1. Will NEVER be used to the gawking - its really really weird. I had a girls scream at me yesterday, "Can I just say, you are so BEAUTIFUL!"

    3. Trannie was drunkie.
