Yesterday, I decided to meander around Maui, I had a couple of hours before I had to go to training. Oh, Maui was on its best behavior, weather perfect, I thoroughly enjoyed my stroll outdoors.
An hour before class begins I saunter up to the pier and show security my badge for access. She asks me, "I need to see you TWIC". I blanch and look bug eyed at the ID badge I'd flashed her, its my damn ID card I in have to have displayed chest to shoulder high AT ALL TIMES while on the ship. It also gets me in/out of my room. The TWIC is the second most important document I now own! Secondly only to my passport and Merchant Mariner's Certificate. I had left my TWIC back in my room!!!
Time is ticking, I HAVE to be in uniform, in class, CAPT. BUZ #1 is conducting in 58 mins. The security gate is about 4 blocks distance from the ship. Security pages securtiy saying "A Lisa Sadler is WITHOUT her TWIC and needs an escort." I'm riddled with shame and humiliation, what a typical newbie thing to do. I'm told to sit in the Stupid Idiot zone and wait for an escort.
Tick, tick, tick...
15 mins. go by I ask security to call again she refuses claiming they are busy and will be along as soon as possible. I'm completely panicked at this point and am frantically scanning the security gate line for any semi familiar faces of returning employees, to help me out!! Tick, tick, tick
I finally spot a fellow employee, whose abundant auburn curls swinging down her back I secretly envy, smiles, I poke my pearly whites her direction and march up to her asking if she could please help me. Her response was, "Of course, if I can" I tell her my plight, explaining I have to be IN CLASS in 20 mins. in uniform with Capt. Buz, would she please run like the wind to my cabin, grab my TWIC and then run back to me as if her life depended on it. Presumptious I know, but I was desperate.
She didn't even blink. She ran like Flo Jo! Minutes later, returning with my card in hand and a hearty, "I hope you make it to class in time!" I barely had time to respond as I had to repeat the same trek in 13 mins.
Sweating profusely, patting like the devil, I made it to class on time escorted by none other than Capt. Buz!!
Today, I will find this gracious woman and pledge my undying gratitude and promise of my kidneys should she need it.
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