Thursday, April 15, 2010


The BIG test was finally completed today!! You HAD to have a passing score of 70% otherwise your bags are packed and you're flown home, immediately! The stress for this particular test was ALL CONSUMING!!! My little classmates were MANIC about studying for it and memorizing every damn code. I thought if I read the booklet and did the test quizzes I'd be fine. And I was. 100% of the class passed!

Saturday, is our water rescue, fire hose drill, and something else search and rescue related. It sounds like fun!! I'm excited about this one! Later that evening we have a swanky dinner with Sr. Mgmt. and all our certificates are distributed!!! YIPPEE!!


  1. What do you wear to that kind of event? Are you supposed wear a uniform? Do you have a uniform or is that your regular chef coat? (Hopefully, a REALLY clean one.) Just curious. And please, Miss Scarlet, don't get any ideas about those drapes in the Dining Room. Will you get a picture with Capt. Buz?

  2. We're asked to dress business casual. My interpretatin of that is white blouse, black pants, pearls and high heels.

    Capt. Buz isn't likely to be there, thank god.
